Our first day of class was today. We are in the pent house apartment at the top of a building in WestBay facing the ocean. I have to listen to my professor talk while staring out at the beautiful green cliffs and the never ending ocean. I will make sure to take more pictures and post them later on this week.
We have Microbiology first which is a lecture style class. Dr.Adams talks from about 8 until 10:15 and we are expected to go home and take a quiz. The second class is genetics from 10:45 until 1. Genetics is a bit different. We are expected to watch the online lecture and do the reading before class time. During class we work on problem sets and homework and ask any questions.
I really like that we have two different style classes. It is much better than four hours of non-stop listening to your professor lecture! So each afternoon when we get back to our places we have a Microbiology quiz to take, reading for Genetics, a Genetics reading quiz and a practice set for Genetics. So homework will keep me busy! Luckily I will still have late afternoons/evenings to explore and hang out.
I still can't get over the time change. I basically go through an entire day before my friends and family are even awake! By 3 p.m. here in England, it is only 7 a.m. in Flagstaff! It is fun to Skype because I say good morning and they say good afternoon! It has been different/difficult adjusting to the daytime here! The sun comes up between 3 and 4 in the morning and doesn't set until after 10 in the evening. We have very long days! If it weren't for school, I don't know if we would ever sleep!
This evening Brooke and I went for a little hike up on the cliffs! (Although you cannot really tell that it is evening) It was so nice! We decided that one day after school we will have to go up and have a picnic. :) Now we are making pizza for dinner and hanging inside for the night!
I didn't realize the length of daylight there. That would be very confusing. I would never sleep either!