Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Perfect Day At The Swannery!

I could not think of a better way to spend my Saturday then at the Abbotsbury Swannery. The Swannery Sanctuary has been run by the Ilchester Estates since the 1500's. Their aim, "...Is to conserve the swans and other wildlife, in this very special environment." The Swannery is open 7 days a week and the swans are fed twice daily at Noon and 4 p.m. 

One of the other girls in the program, Maddie, and I took the bus from WestBay and arrived just before noon. We had to walk a few miles to get to the Swannery but I am glad we went because it was SO cool. 

I have a million pictures that I want to upload but I will try to just pick a few. 


The Swannery was clearly, awesome. I loved watching all of Swans eat and I thought it was so interesting that they didn't mind at all being so close to each other. The land is huge and there is tons of space for the swans to hang out. Some of them are in the larger groups but as you can see in the pictures a lot of them are hidden in smaller areas with what I am assuming are their baby swans. They don't seem to mind people being around, probably because they get fed. But they will hiss if you get near the babies! The swans are free to come and go as they would like.

After a few hours at the Swannery, Maddie and I found a little cafe near the bus station. I had a delicious afternoon tea with teacake (Similar to an english muffin). 

Unfortunately it is back to studying now. I will be so happy when these classes are over and I don't have to think about studying! I can't believe that I only have 7 more nights in WestBay before I head to London! I am very excited to have seen the country/beach style of living here in England and to be able to also see the city/touristy parts!

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